色即是空 空即是色
Kuya is a traditional Japanese sweets shop in Ginza with a history of 140 years.
We designed a shop of “Sorairo” which is the new brand of Kuya.
Color Immediate Sky Sky Immediate Color
The brand name “Sorairo”, named after the famous passage of ‘The Heart Of Prajna Paramita Sutra’
, was the main concept for this design.
我们设计“ 空色(空いろ)”是「空也」的新品牌.
颜色立即天空 天空立即颜色
以般若波罗蜜多心经的著名段落命名的品牌名称“ 空色”是我们设计的启发点.

“Sky color”… the sky is directly expressed as a color name, not a specific color name.
When asked what color the sky is, many would say “light blue” or “blue.”
Even though it is just simple the sky like this, there is a certain range of differences in the colors that each person envisions, such as ~ light blue, light blue ~ blue, and blue.
By directly expressing it as “sky”, we give it the implications of such differences and give it a range of colors.
“空色” 不是特定的颜色名称,而将天空直接表示为颜色名称.
即使成为一个天空,每个人所设想的颜色也存在一定的差异范围, 〜浅蓝色,浅蓝色〜蓝色,蓝色〜.

これはおそらく日本語ならではの特徴であり、中国から伝わってきた漢字と、日本固有の言葉が組み合わさることによって、1つの漢字に2つ以上の読みが存在し、音読み、訓読みと読み替えることができます。また訓読みを日本固有の言葉を表現するための平仮名に変換することによって、 そこにリズムが生まれ、広がりや奥行きといった要素が創り出されます。
Furthermore, the color is written in hiragana as “Iro”.
It is very natural to associate “color” with “color”, but by expressing it in hiragana, it is something like implications or margins other than the limited meaning of “color”. Seems to exist there.
For example, in the case of Chinese characters, each character basically has a meaning, and it is established by one character. On the contrary, in the case of English, each letter has no meaning, and it becomes meaningful only by spelling the letter.
In the case of Japanese, it is more complicated than Chinese and English and has these two or more characteristics, even from the background of the formation of the currently used language, Japanese.
This is probably a characteristic unique to Japanese, and by combining the kanji transmitted from China with the words unique to Japan, there are two or more readings in one kanji, and it is possible to read on-yomi and kun-yomi. .. Also, by converting kun’yomi into hiragana to express Japanese-specific words, rhythm is born there, and elements such as breadth and depth are born.
By creating a margin there with a single letter conversion and combining them like a word game, you can expand to another dimension and expand your imagination with just one word.
此外,将这个空色的色部分以平假名写为“ いろ”.
例如,汉字的话,基本上每个汉字都有一个意思,由一个字就能成立. 相反,英语的话,每一个字本身是没有意思,通过拼写字才变得有意思.
这可能是日语特有的特性,通过将从中国传来的汉字与日本固有的言语结合起来,一个汉字中会有两个或多个读法,可以读换音读或訓读. 此外,通过将訓读转换为用于表达日语固有单词的平假名,在其中产出一种节奏,会有宽度和深度等元素.
通过在转换一个单字中产出个留白, 将它们像一种文字游戏组合起来,可以扩展到另一个维度.

This design is based on the concept of the expanse brought about by the combination of the letters “空いろ”, instead of expressing the color of the material itself, expressing “color” as a deep phenomenonthe as you can see the color of the sky has a high depth in the sky.
这次的设计是 “空いろ” 这种单词组合产出的广阔作为设计概念, 不是用物质本身表面的颜色来具体表示,就像天空的颜色是深深高高一样,在这空间也将“颜色”表达为一种深层的现象.
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